Hi! We're Caroline and Marko and we're dating! We also like video games and talking about video games. Come listen to us talk about our favorites (and not so favorites). Graphic by Julia Gang juliagang.com Producer: Paul Palumbo, Caroline Hirsch Editor: Marko Palumbo

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Ep. 37 - Old Man's Journey
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Warning: SPOILERS!
Caroline and Marko go on an Old Man's Journey this week. Caroline prepares to take a nap. Marko wants you to know he studied abroad. Both have been made irrelevant by the secret best third host.
Transition music this week was from the Old Man's Journey soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Ep. 36 - The Sims 3
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Caroline and Marko live that Sims life this week in The Sims 3. Caroline builds her ideal self. Marko builds a funhouse. Both love living the fantasy of having a fulfilling life.
Transition music this week was from The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3 soundtracks.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Ep. 35 - Detroit: Become Human
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Marko and Caroline keep the android train a'rolling this week with Detroit: Become Human. Marko doesn't understand what these French people are trying to tell him. Caroline wants to keep it PG, please. Both are not interested in hanging out in boats.
Transition music this week was from the Detroit: Become Human soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Ep. 34 - Assault Android Cactus
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Marko and Caroline run with reckless robots this week in Assault Android Cactus. Caroline learns some hip gamer lingo. Marko evolves into a has-been. Both are amazed the podcast has lasted this long.
Transition music this week was from the Assault Android Cactus soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Ep. 33 - Borderlands 2
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Marko and Caroline shoot and loot their way through Borderlands 2 this week. Marko wants more instant gratification, darn it. Caroline has literally no idea what's going on. Both want to stress that this is the second Borderlands game, and not a super early access review of Borderlands 3. Sorry.
Transition music this week was from the Borderlands 2 soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Ep. 32 - Kart Team Crashing 64
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Caroline, Marko, and David clash karts in the Crash Team Racing and Mario Kart 64 double episode. Caroline wants a Mystery Mall remake already. Marko wants a Diddy Kong Racing episode. David is happy just being here. Everybody is waiting for Quip to send money for the ad they almost certainly didn't want.
Transition music this week was from the Crash Team Racing and Mario Kart 64 soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Ep. 31 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Marko and Caroline Sail the plastic seas this week in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game. Marko has a hard time not using The Force. Caroline describes her dream man. Both are still the worst pirates you've ever heard of. But you have heard of them.
Transition music this week was from the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Ep. 30 - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Caroline and Marko do NOT blow up this week in Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. Marko gets a lesson in statistics. Caroline prepares to make a career shift. Both have already scheduled a nice, relaxing couples massage session.
Transition music this week was from the Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Ep. 29 - Kirby Air Ride
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Caroline and Marko ride to the stars this week in Kirby Air Ride. Caroline gets super pranked, bro. Marko reenacts Top Gun. Both hated getting lied to by the rude minigame hint message. Jerk.
Transition music this week was from the Kirby Air Ride soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Ep. 28 - Sea of Thieves
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Caroline and Marko sail the high seas in Sea of Thieves. Caroline brings a baby to a pirate fight. Marko holds the world's worst concert. Both are without a doubt the worst pirates you've ever heard of.
Transition music this week was from the Sea of Thieves soundtrack.
Welcome to Review for Two! We're Marko and Caroline and we review video games. Oh yeah, we're also dating! That means we mainly play games that would be fun with someone on the couch next to us.
Graphic by Julia Gang